Hi there, I am Ndzalama Mabasa

Web Developer

I am a mobile and web app developer with robust problem-solving skills and a proven proficiency in crafting apps through test-driven development.

ndzalama mabasa

About me

I am a mobile and web app developer with robust problem-solving skills, teamwork abilities, and a proven proficiency in crafting apps through test-driven development. Due to my belief in continuous learning, after obtaining my CS degree, I enrolled in a Systems Development specialization with Umuzi.

When I am not writing or reading code, I delve into blog posts and podcasts covering topics in business, self-help, and the field of software engineering. Additionally, I teach choral music at my local school and write blog posts about my career journey, offering advice to others on how taking similar steps could benefit them as well.

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Junior Tech Lead

Oct 2022 - Jan 2024 | Umuzi Academy

  • Coordinate daily stand-up
  • Help Recruits' resolve technical blockers
  • Guide Recruits with their projects in sprint planning.
  • Monitor Recruits' performance

Systems Development Certificate

Aug 2023 | Umuzi Academy

  • Mobile and Web app development
  • Test Driven Development
  • Relational Databases (PostgreSQL & SQLite)
  • API intergration

Junior WordPress developer

May 2021 - Oct 2021 | Strawberry Connect

  • WordPress templates customization
  • Edit Shopify templates
  • Websites Deployment, Migration, and Maintenace
  • Update clients on project progress

BSc Comp Sci & Maths

Dec 2019 | University Of Venda

  • Algebra, Calculus, Graph Theory
  • Data Structures and Algorithms (Java & C++)
  • Introduction to Networking
  • Relational Database Design and Implementation



Semitone Difference live

A notes cycle learning game. The game has functionality to generate 2 random notes. A player has to specify the number of notes between the generated ones.

  • HTML5
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • Jasmine
phone with qr code

QR Connector demo

A contacts manager mobile application. Its functionalities include scanning a QR code containing contact details, saving a contact, marking a contact as a favorite, adding notes for each contact, and deletion.

  • React Native
  • Expo
  • SQLite
  • Jest
power station

Iccasa live

A website for ICCASA, an industrial certification company. The functionalities include an application form that, upon completion, is sent to the admin as a PDF, and a means to contact the institution within the website.

  • WordPress
  • Yoast
occupational health technician

Charlie The Dog live

Inspired by Codebyte's Charlie the dog, a Data Structures and Algorithms problem. The game involves helping Charlie collect all the food bowls and return home using the shortest possible path. (Desktop Version)

  • React
  • Canvas
  • Redux
  • Jest
  • CSS

Technical Skills


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